Category: <span>Events</span>

Holy Week Services – April 13th-20th

Palm Sunday, Apr. 13th @ 10:45 am

We will begin the worship service in the courtyard before the Palm Processional around the church,  starting through the main gate into the parking lot,  processing by the intersection at Vineyard & Nu’uanu, and back into the courtyard through gate on Vineyard side, near the office. Scripture:  Luke 19:28-40, Sermon title:  “The Heart of Holy Week:  Two Processions” (Rev. Fran), Gift of Music: “Palm Sunday” (Ukulele Fellowship).

Holy Thursday, Apr. 17th @ 5:00 pm

Our remembrance of the Last Supper will be with soup made by Davy Lee  and bread by Linda Matsushita. We will have “hand washing” in place of foot washing, and conclude with a Service of Tenebrae (Shadows). 

Good Friday, Apr. 18th @ 10:00am Labyrinth, 12:00 pm Service

The labyrinth will be set up in Miyama Hall. Scriptures will be from the Gospels, remembering Jesus’ last words. At the end of the worship service, we will clear the chancel area, and drape the altar & cross in black. The tradition is to leave the sanctuary in silence, mourning the Crucified Christ.

Easter Sunday, Apr. 20th @ 10:45 am

Easter Sunday Service with Easter Egg Hunt & Lunch in Miyama Hall After Worship. Our worship will be joyful with the addition of the brass quintet directed by Jordan Goto, and the choir anthem, “Alleluia, Christ is Risen.”  Bring flowers from your garden if you have them to decorate the flower cross, and stay for the fellowship potluck after church. Bring salads, vegetables and your favorite desserts to share. Thanks to Haoa Morris for donations of ham and colorful decorations.

Ash Wednesday – March 5th

March 5th, 2025 12:00 PM in the Sanctuary

We invite you to join us for our Ash Wednesday service as we begin our Season of Lent. Our Lenten Theme is “Through the Valley of the Shadow into the Light.”

Lenten Healing Journey & Bible Study

Our Lenten Theme is “Through the Valley of the Shadow into the Light.” Rev. Fran is offering a Lenten Healing Journey with time for Bible Study, A Reflection and Meditation on Wednesdays, April 2 & 9, 10:30a-11:30a in Komuro Lounge. Sign up with Rev. Fran at or call 808-927-5949, or just come. If you want to participate online, please contact Rev. Fran.

Royukai Senior Fellowship

The Royukai Senior Fellowship meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 9:30 am
to 12:00 pm in Komuro Lounge
. Contact Jo Tanimoto at the church office for more info.

UH Refugee & Immigration Law Clinic

You are invited to a special evening of community, culture, and support at the Refugee & Immigration Law Clinic’s Spring Fundraiser on Feb. 15th from 5:00pm-7:00pm in Miyama Hall. Suggested Donation: $25.

Martin Luther King Jr. Parade Jan. 20

January 20, 2025 @ 8:30 am Magic Island

Martin Luther King Jr. Coalition is on Monday, Jan. 20 at 8:30 am at Magic Island/Ala Moana Beach Park. The trolley will be at Harris UMC by 6:30 am and will leave at 7:00 am to Magic Island. Once the parade concludes, the trolley will return back to Harris UMC.  Please wear your church t-shirt or a Martin Luther King Jr. t-shirt. We have limited space available, so please contact Karen Ginoza.

UM Student Day

You are invited to 10:45 am Worship Service on December 27, 2024. We will celebrate UM Student Day.