Welcome to our Harris Ohana! You are invited to join with us to celebrate the love of Jesus Christ! Visitors and Kama’aina are ALL welcome!!
Harris United Methodist Church is an Open and Reconciling Congregation where we believe that Jesus embraces all and celebrates in the diversity of humanity. We pray that we demonstrate His love and compassion for everyone through our actions and words. Together, we share and pray for each other’s joys & sorrows. We honor each individual’s reflections, thoughts, and prayers. Our Worship Services are intergenerational where children, youth, young adults and young families blend with our adults and kupuna to serve caring and kindness.
The Harris Ohana has served, what was then, the immigrant neighborhood community of downtown Honolulu since 1888. Harris United Methodist Church is committed to continue this involvement to serve our downtown community into the next century. Whether your visit with us is brief or longer, we welcome and invite you to walk this journey and legacy with us. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Vision Statement
Building a Christ-Centered Community by extending God’s hospitality to one another and to our neighbors.
Mission Statement
To make a difference in our community and the world as we seek to follow Jesus Christ.
Purpose Statement
To celebrate and praise God through joyful, Christ-Centered worship.
To evangelize and grow, reaching new persons with the life changing news of God’s love.
To reach out in Ministry and service. To nurture and empower one another to grow as Christ’s disciples.
To create an accepting and loving fellowship in Christ.